Sunday 20 April 2008

Just a quiet night out in Scotland

I headed to Aberdeen for a couple of days before I went offshore to get my head around the procedures and meet the crew. We were scheduled to go offshore on the Saturday but it was delayed until late Sunday. I headed out on Saturday morning to purchase a book and a pair of joggers which seemed a lot harder than you would expect. Do the Scots not exercise? The extra night was a good opportunity to catch up with a friend I used to work with in Perth. He had played rugby all day so I met him for a couple at his rugby club so we could feast on some cheap chow and beers.

After a couple we headed into "town", which is actually only one street (Union st) to begin the festivities. Where we ended up spun me out big time. The place is called "Soul Bar" which is inside an old church (Mmmmm Sacrilecious). I thought this was very cool especially seeing the DJ up in the pulpit mixing away. Apparently there is also a Casino upstairs. Unfortunately this bar was rather tame (from my blogging point of view) but cool none the less.

What actually struck me as a ridiculous thing to do was the way the young lasses dressed. It appeared that practical warm clothing (including as very little as a coat) are out this season and skimpy (well ok slutty) outfits are in. I understand that these girls like to catch the eye of a bloke while walking down the street but catching pneumonia as well? It wasn't just in transit either these girls were "hanging out" in the street - nipple tents pitched.

We ended up in a bar with the rugby team and it was familiar surroundings. Lots of Saffa's, Kiwi's and Aussie's - and lots of shots. This is where the memory fades and I can only recall waking up to my phone ringing at 8am with a voice proclaiming "The boat is early I will pick you up in halfa."

Struggling out of bed I made it to the boat on time and managed a couple of hours kip before my shift. The thing that confused me however was finding a receipt in my wallet for £35 for the taxi ride - that should of been a tenner. I can only come to one of 3 conclusions 1. I was ripped off, 2. In my drunken happy state I generously gave the lad a massive tip, 3. I tried to navigate us home myself using my in built navigational system and the stars. Unfortunately I don't think I will ever find out but I am thankful I had asked for the receipt so the mistake is burden on the company.

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