Monday 7 April 2008

The beginning of the London saga....

"Welcome to London" its proclaimed as I am picked up from the airport "How was your flight?" 20 hours on a flight that couldn't switch its cabin lights off, sitting next to a drunk snoring man who reeked like he had been on a 3 day bender I decided not to dampen my spirits with an explanation. "Could of been better."

Although the temperature was barely 8 degrees, and with about 2hrs of rest from the last 48hrs I proceed into the mayhem known as London. Previously I had viewed this city from the eyes of a tourist - feeling like I was invading someone else's backyard. Now for my new home I had a sense that I belonged there. It is very strange that I had flown half way around the world with 2 bags and a hippo, and not felt any uneasiness about my new home.

Alas this blog will be the beginning of my story in London. I will endeavour to document some crazy events that take place over the next couple of years during my tenure within London, around europe and travels as an offshore installation engineer.

Whether this post is read only by me or hoards of thousands, I now have a medium to cast my thoughts into cyberspace. So here it is - the blog......

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