Monday 7 April 2008

The Running Man

I met a friend of mine from uni whose identity will remain anonymous (although I should tell you he resembles the kids show characters who are a cross between a puppet and a mop) the other day and decided to show him around. As he had only been here for a short period we went on a bit of a pub crawl.

We worked our way from Trafalgar sq. down to and along the Thames stopping in at a number of bars. Much later we headed into Covent Garden to go to one of my favourite restaurants - Belgo's. This place has an awesome beer selection and a bucket of mussels that hit the spot after 9 hours of boozing. By the time we finished our meals my friend went to the toilet (which is a weird unisex one with a guy in there who hands you soap and towels) and was gone for about a pints worth. Getting a little worried I fixed up the bill and went in search of him to find him wandering the streets outside. I don't really know what happened and his only explanation was "I don't know what happened man, but I couldn't find my way back to the table."

Accepting this and moving on we hit another bar before we were required to head for the last train to get home. We jumped on the tube towards Victoria and sat down for a 4 stop trip. When we reached Picadilly, without warning my friend jumped up and made a dash through the closing doors. As the train departed he was running along beside the carriage. I sat there in shock with no real comprehension of what had taken place.

I arrived home and got a text saying "Fck I don't know what happened man" to which I replied "You will now be known as the Running Man"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds more like a Running Muppet!