Monday 7 April 2008

Train pillow

As I was yet to acquire a flat, I had been staying in a hotel in Sutton (next to my work) which is a good half hour from central London. After a few trips into central to have meals with various people I had the trains sussed so that I would only get the trains that terminated at Sutton thus if I fell asleep there would be no nights spent in a random station. One particular evening I was heading back home on the last train after a good dinner, a couple of beers and way too many martini's. Once on the train I chose a comfy looking seat and had read about a page of my book before nodding off against the window. I woke up about a minute from Sutton and looking around the empty carriage was surprised to see a girl sitting next to me - nay leaning on my shoulder, sound asleep. Having gotten on the train to an empty carriage and seeing no other seats occupied my only assumption was the girl had seen me dozing rather well and decided to get in on the action. Once we arrived at the station, I gave a polite shake to the girl who woke up bleary-eyed, gave a large yawn and left the train without any explanation. In my confused daze I regret not asking the poor lass "WTF?" but it certainly made for an interesting end to the evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come on Gilkes, a chick, female, person of the opposite sex slept on your sholder and all you could do was sit bewildered as she walked away. What has that bloody country done to the once witty on the ball Gilkes that we all knew?
I and all the people that give a shit about the sexual well being would like you to try harder in the future.