Monday 7 April 2008

Aberdeen Chatter

Although my first trip to Aberdeen was a rather quick journey I learnt 2 important facts while I was there: 1. It is very expensive. (A 10 min cab ride was £20) and 2. Scottish people talk a whole lot more in there own country.

Now I don't know if this is a sentiment around the world but in my experience every Scot loves to talk (whether it's requested or not). Also in my experience the majority of cab drivers also like to talk. I believe putting the 2 together compounded the urge to talk by tenfold. While I was there I took 4 cabs and probably said a total of 8 sentences. This may not surprise anyone until I mention that I had journeys with complete conversation. I don't think I have been asked so many questions that had been answered by the questioner before I had opened my mouth.

This certainly led to some interesting conversations. It made it particularly tricky though when each cab driver decided to tell me the same facts about Aberdeen and I couldn't get a peep in to let them know I had already heard it.

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