Friday 11 April 2008

The Hot Date

Firstly I would like to say Soccer is crap in this country because a) Its called Football here and b) When there is a match on midweek (featuring England, Chelsea, Arsenal, Man U, or Liverpool) you can’t go to any pub and avoid a crowd. Which brings me to my story.

I was meeting a girl in Parsons Green to go to ‘a nice little pub’ for some drinks and a meal. Upon approaching the pub we found it packed to the rafters with hooligans for the Football match. Not to worry we thought we would wander down the road and find something new. Not really knowing this girls tastes (except that she liked my swagger) we decided on a Thai restaurant (probably because the only other thing was a kebab shop and hey, everybody likes Thai food).

As we entered we were shown to our table, took our seats and ordered some wine before I had a chance to look around and realise that we were the only ones there. This probably is not the most ideal of situations on a date when you hardly know the girl. To make it worse the 3 Thai waitresses (dressed in traditional attire) stood back from the table while we had our dinner. Every time a sip of wine was taken, the glass was refilled. My serviette was replaced after every wipe of the mouth. And we actually had some really good food. I can really only think it is probably what royalty feels like. When I went to the bathroom I was escorted down the door was opened and I went about my business. I was a little surprised when I left that the waitress was waiting outside to escort me back up.

In the end it was a really good meal (although a tad expensive) but I still felt the need to tip them a tenner for the outstanding service. We ended up at a cocktail bar after for a couple of nightcaps and then…… well that’s a different story. But she was rather the fireball so I expect her to feature in another story soon.


Anonymous said...

Fireball????? You dirty Sod!!!!!!!!!

And you reckon I could use these as bedtime stories for the gelflings!!!!! Outdone yourself again!

Anonymous said...
