Tuesday 26 February 2013

The Curfew

One thing about the Girl is she lets me get on with things in my own terms, supporting them and enjoys seeing me be happy. Fortunately this includes my mid-week night out escapades. New York city is famous for being the city that never sleeps, and more than lives up to its reputation. I must admit that I probably am not hitting it as hard as I once could have, but giving it a good crack anyway.

In order for us to continue with a happy household the girl has decided to put a curfew on me – not one that I have to be home for but rather a curfew that admits my entry into the bedroom to sleep. Now while I am a big fan of our couch I am yet to spend a night on it, a streak that I am attempting to continue. There are a couple of factors that work against me: 1: My barmen like to keep me there until the wee hours past my curfew. 2: The NYC subway does not run a frequent schedule during the wee hours of the morning 3: The Doorman love to have a chat whenever I get home, one that I reciprocate at these times.

I think the Girl is now reconsidering this rule due to the fact when I come home my stealth like ninja abilities are not what I think they are. As soon as she wakes up and sees me, I have my captive audience to tell the many adventures of the evening too…
This is a photo I took on my way home – I’m not really sure why but I think it was to show that I was at the Subway station in plenty of time to beat the curfew. After mentioning this to the Girl she explained to me outside factors like that cannot be used as an excuse. I’m not sure this argument will make it to an appeal.

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