Wednesday 20 February 2013

Band or DJ?

I'll sum up the conversation about the next wedding chore as I remember it:
The Girl "Have you decided yet on a band or DJ?"
Me "Unless Eddie Vedder, Mike Patton and Dave Grohl actually do accept the wedding invite I sent them, we probably are not having a band."
G "What about George Michael?"
M "Well of course the same applies, as long as he is still getting his mail forwarded from the Icelandic address I didn't send anything to."
G "So a DJ then?"
M (after a brief pause of stunned silence) "You want someone to mix an iPod to songs we won't like? I would have to give him a list to make sure it was what we wanted. In fact he can just dial it in from home."
G (cutting me off) "So no DJ"
M "No DJ, I'll do the playlist and we can get the venue to play it for us."
G "I want final approval on the list and nothing from Star Wars, Indiana Jones or any cartoon series"
So we are on about our 27th playlist version. I'm sure we can compromise before the big day. Good news is I've managed to get some John Williams back on the cards.

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