Tuesday 26 February 2013

Fair well to some colleagues, co-workers and friends

Today I resigned from my company. I really had to read the sentence in my head a couple of times to grasp the whole concept. I am the type of guy that doesn't chop and change, which seems to be the rarity in this industry. This is the first time I have left a job for a reason other than "I'm moving to a whole new city" or the company ceased to exist (through no fault of my own I might add). The reasons behind this could be many but the overriding factor is money. "Money?" You may ask, "but you are all about the experience, enjoyment and familiarity." Which is entirely correct - except in this case. Today it is all about the money. The last week I have realised a few important points:
1. I am damn good at my job.
2. The learning curve on the boat is reaching its apex.
3. A comfortable situation is the bane of my existence.
The first one probably goes without saying - I am awesome at everything I do. You can do your research in my previous posts to find out how true this is so I won't quantify this here. The second has been on my mind for the last few months. While I believe that you can learn something new everyday (shit, the only way you can't is if you stay in bed all day, and guess what? You probably learned that you are one of those unique individuals who has no qualms about staying in bed all day). I still believe that the things you learn the most from are the unbelievably different situations from your everyday life. Spending 2.5 years on a boat that you helped build from the ground up and will eventually leave, is not something you think about. So it was without any fanfare that I quietly slinked away from the boat on my last swing. I spoke with my bosses and explained the situation. They were very supportive which made me feel my decision was the correct one and I truly hope we end up working together again or at least catching up so I can properly thank them for everything they had given me. To those who I didn't get to bid a final parting word, know that it was a pleasure to have worked with you and may you have the success in career and family that you so fondly had told me about, and thoroughly deserve.

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