Tuesday 19 February 2013

An Unattractive Admirer

So on my way down in the lift today a rather friendly gentleman was commenting on my "toned calves." I was on my way for a jog so was decked out in my running gear. He told me again that he really thought they were impressive. I thought his fixation was a little weird but then again I am an impressive specimen. He tried to make some more small talk but we reached the lobby. He gave me a little wave as I put in my headphones and trundled off for my jog. It later occurred to me that this guy had been hitting on me. While not an unusual experience, albeit usually from people with less penis, it was a little disconcerting that he thought he was in my league (not to mention the fact how much is "gaydar" was off) as he was a rather old and wiry looking man. Now to clarify I don't really know how to judge the appearance of a man, but I am sure if I could he wouldn't make it on any list of mine.

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