Wednesday, 29 September 2010

The One with the Cuter Nephew

I had decided not to rush back to Sydney for the birth of Kai because (what I told everyone was) of offshore commitments and the fact he might be late (how right I was). The real reasons were that I figured all babies are ugly when they are born and really need to grow into their skin and who remembers anything after the birth – everyone is excited about the new baby and I don’t get all the fuss I deserve.

I can now assure you he has shed the unwanted ugly new born syndrome and seems to be a little cutie. Time will tell if he has the ability to grow the chick magnet features his uncle paraded around for so many years but the force is strong with this one so I have high expectations. So in light of all of this I best arrange my travel plans back to Sydney to commence his seduction to the dark side....

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