Wednesday 29 September 2010

The One with the Cuter Nephew

I had decided not to rush back to Sydney for the birth of Kai because (what I told everyone was) of offshore commitments and the fact he might be late (how right I was). The real reasons were that I figured all babies are ugly when they are born and really need to grow into their skin and who remembers anything after the birth – everyone is excited about the new baby and I don’t get all the fuss I deserve.

I can now assure you he has shed the unwanted ugly new born syndrome and seems to be a little cutie. Time will tell if he has the ability to grow the chick magnet features his uncle paraded around for so many years but the force is strong with this one so I have high expectations. So in light of all of this I best arrange my travel plans back to Sydney to commence his seduction to the dark side....

Sunday 26 September 2010

The One from the back deck

Currently being stuck working out in a container on the back of my new boat (here is the view from my desk) I have come to appreciate the simple pleasures of my soon to be ready office - including a very good stereo system. It is in the last 6 weeks of construction before handover and we are not allowed into the accommodation for another 3 weeks. This is ok because I have been put up in a decent hotel and all my meals are paid for up front (as opposed to having to expense them and claim them back later which as anyone else who has to do this knows – blows immensely).

Anyone who works with me probably knows how much I need my music on to be able to be productive. Usually in the London office I have my very comfortable head phones to cut out the office banter and zero me in on my work. Unfortunately I do not have the luxury of my headphones out here so I have just been playing the music through my laptop speakers. They are very ordinary and I have decided to compile a list of tracks that should never be played this way:

Hail Hail – Pearl Jam
Plush – Stone Temple Pilots
Comfort Me – Pacifier
Anything by Faith No More

I must say however that Orbital and Chemical Brothers sound particularly good!

Thursday 23 September 2010

The One on the New Boat

I have arrived in Holland for the final stages of the fitout of the new boat I am working on. I moved into this new role for a couple of reasons - to be able to move to New York with the girl (no need to elaborate on this opportunity) and also to have some equal time off (I am sick of cancelling holidays or leaving them early because of changes to the schedule).

I am liking the Netherlands because I don't pay Norwegian prices for beer. The food is awful and it is raining but I as long as I am not getting over charged for booze it is ok...

Friday 10 September 2010

The One in the Oldest Restaurant in the World

During our Spanish tour we dined (twice) at the oldest restaurant in the world. The ambiance was excellent, the suckling pig devine and the wine very agreeable. It is called 'Botin' and in the heart of Madrid. My recommendation could not come high enough and all I can say is sample it for yourself to experience what cannot be described by words.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

The One introducing Kai (nee Benny Jr)

Those following my blog my remember a certain bet my sister in law made with me last year at Oktoberfest. The choice of name for their first born child will be made by me - Benny Jr. I was very skeptical at the time whether such bet would be honoured (can anyone imagine my brother agreeing to this one?) but such was the amusing nature of the bet a fair few people had been calling him (unknown sex at the time) - Benny Jr. So it became no surprise to anyone when the gelfling was born that they indeed would not uphold the bet and decided to go off with a very different direction - Kai John Gilkes. I suppose I cannot begrudge the little fella for his parents misgivings, however I will be sure to tell him in the future at some stage. Otherwise he will end up reading it here anyway....