Monday 14 July 2008

The one with Kylie's ex

The girl and I decided to have a little jaunt to Paris for the weekend. I had a mate there from Perth that I was going to catch up with. We were staying in St Germain in the 5th in a hotel I had gotten way too cheap. We had taken the Eurostar after work on Friday and gotten in about 8pm.

After checking in we walked down towards the Latin Quarter looking for somewhere to eat. The randomness of Paris means you can find a couple of good places next to each other or walk around for hours trying to find something. We had been walking for about 10 minutes when there was a manky dog slowly following his owner ahead of us. The girl was a little hesitant about the dog so we crossed over to the other side of the road to pass. As we were walking she stopped dead in her tracks upon realisation that the dogs owner was Olivier Martinez. For those that don’t know (like I hadn’t known) he is Kylie Minogues ex. Upon telling me this revelation her phone came out furiously texting her friends the information.

As he had stopped on the corner I crossed the street to give the dog a pat. My figuring was that being Kylie’s ex’s pet it is highly likely that she had also given the dog a good rub down (at the very least a scratch behind the ears). So any contact I had with the beast meant that I had also been in contact with Kylie. As I type this it appears to sound a little loose but rest assured I am sure she feels the same – we are now kindred spirits! After a good rub down, his tail was wagging and I could tell he instantly liked me - wanting me for his masters former flame.

Au Revoir!

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