Thursday 2 January 2014


There are charity girls outside our apartment (you know the ones with the clipboards) trying to get signatures to ban fracking. They don't actually really know anything about fracking so I had a little chat and convinced them without it the economy here would likely perish due to a reduction in jobs, reliance on overseas oil and gas, and the loss of tax income for the US Government.

Ironically I totally agree with their cause, but just a little less than my amusement. However, fracking is actually no worse than deforestation, mining, offshore oil and gas etc, especially when it comes to long term effects on environment, health and the immediate safety during the recovery process. One can see the latest 'fad' in protesting has come along.

Maybe my years spent in this industry have weakened any moral conscience I used to have, or maybe I just like being a prick. But my philosophy is: if I stopped my job, someone else would do it instead, so I may as well keep the bucks out of their pocket.

Lessons learned for the ladies outside:
1. Do a little more research on any cause you have an opinion on (especially if you want to petition on the street for it)
2. Don't stop me in the street because I enjoy a good discussion (and more than likely my presented opinion will be the opposite of your opinion).
3. If your New Years Resolution is to do some great charitable work to feel good about yourself then may I suggest that you wait until the summer...

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