Monday 30 September 2013


While having a relaxing time in Maui - we also decided to do some recreational activity. And by that I mean we took a seat and let another animal do all the work. We went for a morning horse ride along the coast through some pretty lush trails. The Girl was a little freaked out at first until she was provided with a docile beast, named Lucky, that was content to plod along at a very subtle pace. My gorgeous steed Chloe was on her maiden ride after just being broken in. She really wanted to get some speed up which I certainly wasn't adverse to. In that short amount of time it kind of felt like we really bonded and certainly wanted to keep her. There is something pretty thrilling about riding a magnificent animal that can offer you (at least partial) control, and yet the potential to fell you in a heartbeat. After all, a horse took down Superman!

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