Wednesday 1 August 2012

Dallas - the city full of celebrities...

The girl had to head to Dallas for some high financing deals with J.R and co (probably), so I got to tag along and see what the city had to offer. This basically meant I would be sitting by the pool sipping cocktails and frequenting the numerous bars around our hotel. What else can you do in 40+ degree heat?

Monday afternoon I found myself in the hotel bar chatting with the bartender and enjoying my soft taco / beer combo. One of the hotel staff members came op to me and asked if I was the owner of the Dallas Mavericks. I enquired if I looked like the owner of the Dallas Mavericks and was met with a positive nod, as she added "you don't sound like him though." I apologised that I wasn't in fact the owner of the Dallas Maverick much to her disappointment. Perhaps she was thinking of some free season tickets? Anyway see if you can tell us apart below.

A couple of beers later, it was still just myself and the bartender talking crap, a well dressed chap came out from the restaurant and stopped at the bar. Being the polite (perhaps a little intoxicated) lad I was, I gave him a friendly greeting. He responded and we had a brief back and forth. He was mildly interested in an Australian living in New York, I questioned him whether he was in town on business. "I've got a show on tonight," he replied with little interest. I was a little intrigued in this but let it pass in an attempt to keep the gentleman at ease. After a few more back and forths with the barman and I, he left some cash for what I thought was his bill, and departed with a "take it easy."

Soon after, to satisfy my growing interest, I asked the barman if the guy was famous. He gave me the full low down of the local rapper: Nelly. Admittedly I had barely heard of him, so whipping out the iPhone I soon had pulled up his bio. Clearly his on stage persona was in contrast to the well spoken, well dressed man of a few moments ago.

To top off the afternoon, I had finished up and was pulling out my wallet to fix up the bill when the bartender explained that Nelly had taken care of it for me. I was rather chuffed as I headed out to meet the girl for dinner.

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