Ever since the proposal I have been asked about deciding on the purchase. It was one of those things I had wanted to do on my own, so with much
trepidation, a set of guidelines and wad of cash I headed into New
York's famed "Diamond District" (note: by "wad of cash" I mean a card but for the stories sake I had to throw it in).
Making my way along the various shops it was apparent that these guys had a silver tongue and really wanted me to part with my money. After much wandering and deliberation I found a small stall in one of the arcades with a young Jewish lad who was there with his heavily pregnant wife. It didn't really seem that his collection of engagement rings was all that large but never the less we struck up a conversation anyway. After letting him know I really had no idea about the purchase except a vague idea of what the girl had wanted he began his tutorial about the differences.
Fairly soon I was a master with diamond qualities and had a better idea of what I was purchasing. He showed me a number of rings and I selected the one I thought would most suit the girl. After this we tried 3 or 4 different rocks to see how they looked in the setting. It wasn't long before we had put together the perfect ring which in itself began the game of cat and mouse.
I knew the man was buying both the ring and diamond at a wholesale price much less than any other store could get - this is how the diamond district works. They can all buy in bulk to get an amazing selection for you. A few times he went to his "storeroom" to find another diamond but I was fairly sure he was grabbing this off a fellow dealer.
He gave me a great price and reduced it further when I pushed him on it. Soon after I told him that this was definitely the ring I wanted but would like to think about it over a bite to eat. His faced dropped slightly and told me he didn't want to lose my custom. He even said if we complete the deal he will buy me lunch. He asked me what price I wanted to pay. I looked him in the eye and asked him for his absolute best price that he would go no lower on. If liked what I heard we had a deal - if not I was walking.
To my surprise he came back with a very reasonable price that was way lower than what I expected. We shook hands and the deal was done. Even with the tax added I was completely happy with the way the haggle had turned out.
So from now on if anyone asks me about diamonds I respond with: I got a guy - go see my Jew!