Wednesday 10 February 2010

The One with the Scooter Cover

During my morning jogs I have had to take a detour towards the end of my usual route due to a lack of light along one of the paths. The dirt path goes along a little woodland and is not quite even enough to risk the challenge. The new route is the same distance although it goes down a very empty street containing a couple of cars and a lone scooter right at the end.

During one of my jogs down this road (and for no apparent reason ) as I got towards the end of the road I changed my course and jumped the scooter. It gave me a little surge of adreneline which helped motivate me for the last km. Strangely enough now this has become a regular occurance and after the jump I usually throw my hands in the air and scream a boisterous "DRAGO!" That is until one stormy morning.

The rain was pelting down and I was in a rather miserable state. I proceeded with my usual routine towards the bike, a few stutter steps before the leap, before halfway though the jump I felt me feet catching on something. Luckily enough I managed to land on my feet unscathed with nothing but a bruised ego. There was a loud bang and I turned around to see the bike on its side. The owner had put on a cover (probably to protect it from the inclement weather) which was now masking what probable damage I had caused.

I looked around to find no commotion and hastily continued on my way. I figured the guy probably would think the wind blew it over during the night. My thoughts were confirmed the next day when I passed the scooter secured to a pole. I haven't got the courage to give the scooter + cover a go yet but will keep you posted when I do.

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