Monday 21 September 2009

The One from the Fest

Warning: The Womble Blog does not endorse any excessive drinking from shoes.

"Shoe, Shoe, Shoe, Shoe!" Was our catchphrase of this years Oktoberfest. The goal of Oktoberfest is to drink as many steins, eat as much pork knuckle and slam back as many shoes as possible. Contrary to any warnings appearing on this sight it is tradition to drink excessively from any shoe available. Unfortunately it was my turn to provide the shoe this year and the green ferrari's certainly held up to the watertight test. Luckily enough most nationalities joined in to drink from the cherished shoe. The poor few that declined were heckled and booed until our voices were hoarse. Questions pondered for millennia have now been answered:

1. How many people can fit into a bag locker at the train station? (two)
2. Is it possible to drink yourself sober? (not sure - too drunk to remember)
3. What is the best hat to wear at the fest? (Horse hat)
4. What is the worst hat? (The little boy hat)
5. Where is the most comfortable place to nap on your drunken stumble home? (Train tracks)
6. Does wine belong at the fest? (Only when drunk out of a mini Stein)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wine / Champagne definitely belongs at Oktoberfest ..... even better if you can sneak in a champagne glass!