Tuesday 31 December 2013

End of Year Wrap Up

Highlights: (these are in Chronological Order)
1. The Cuz's wedding in Thailand
2. Meeting Benny Jr & seeing a little more grown up Godson
3. New Job in Saudi Arabia
4. Nailing the Belmont Stakes Trifecta (with long shot 'Palace Malice' winning)
5. Taking the Girl to Le Bernadin for her Birthday
6. Marrying my best friend
7. Obtaining a Glass
8. Spending the first hitched Xmas / NYE with the Girl

As for my 2013 New Years Resolutions = 5/10, not bad considering a few of them were out of my control (the new job took care of a couple). If I was shooting 50% in the NBA I would be very happy! So I will be donating $500 to a charity - no one actually suggested any so I am tempted to donate to the 'Human Fund' but I'm not that cheap. Alas I will let you know which one when I post next years resolutions.

Monday 23 December 2013

Rangers Game (Canadian Hangover?)

The Girl got me some fantastic seats for a Rangers Game right behind the goal. It gave me a great opportunity to see how the Glass performed. I've learnt to move my head a little more in order to follow the play.

See one of the goals I captured below - the fanned shot that dribbles through the goalies legs... exactly how he planned it!

Sunday 22 December 2013

Thursday 19 December 2013

Canada (Visa Run)

The Girl and I are up in Canada on a Visa run. It is cold (negative 25) and there is snow everywhere. Not measured in inches up here - it's feet! I now know the Wife is only suited to tropical weather. Kind of feel glad we had to cancel our skiing trip. We have had a tremendous time here but instead of describing it I'll just let you see for yourself: