Sunday 30 June 2013

Happy Birthday!

This one is going out to the most gorgeous girl in the world!

We will have an awesome celebration when I'm home.

Friday 28 June 2013

Summer has Arrived

I finally know what they mean when referring to "extreme temperatures". The heat is quite devastating. The throat burns as you breathe in the putrid air. Your skin feels like it is burning, not just on the exposed part, but all over. Thank you Saudi for this explanation and please leave further examples until next year.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Hump Day

So the Girl sent me an email saying how much a struggle it is today, Wednesday - Hump Day. Having such resources in abundance here in Saudi, I couldn't resist sending this back.

Monday 10 June 2013

The Races

Saturday was the 3rd race of the Triple Crown, otherwise known as the Belmont Stakes, or to the punters in the general admission a "white trash bash". A mate and I decided to head over to try our luck. The menu for the day were cans, shooters and cigars which was a throwback to the days of the Perth Cup. We had some luck with a Trifecta early on thanks to a couple of late scratches which put us in the gambling zone often referred to as a "lucky streak".

The big race was coming around and I already had my winner picked. Palace Malice, named for the Basketball Brawl 9 years ago at The Palace of Auburn Hills in Detroit between the Indiana Pacers and some guys in the crowd. For those who missed it, yes there was a brain explosion from a couple of members of the Pacers who took offence to a couple of fans in the stands who had tried to cool them down by launching a drink in their direction. The players did some launching of themselves over seats to dish out some cooling of their own using fists. The altercation led to suspensions totalling 146 games for the players and was dubbed "Malice at the Palace". Being an avid fan of disliking the Indiana Pacers, I took it upon myself to see it as a sign to jump on the horse that was named after an event that set the Pacers organisation back 9 years before they could muster another team that could legitimately challenge for a title.

So it was we put the house on the horse, perhaps not my house but certainly one that would have raised an eyebrow on the Girl had she been present. We took the fine beast in the Trifecta as well. At 15 to 1 with not even an outside chance given it was possible my day would come to an early close. That is until the final straight when he found the courage of the 2004 Pacers team, to unshackle convention and head for the metaphorical stands at the end of the track. It was such a glorious win that we didn't even notice the remaining place getters were also in our trifecta. Such a glorious day to end with a shower of Benjamin's.