Monday 20 May 2013

There’s something in the water

I think the combination of sand and chemicals in my shower water have seriously done something to my hair. A combination of 5 weeks in Africa, 2 weeks in Australia and 6 weeks here have made it impossible to get a cut so I am now walking around with a white mans fro. Lucky for me I can pretty much pull anything off but let's hope I get time for trim before the nuptials.

Friday 10 May 2013

Censoring the Classics

It seems to me, here in Saudi, they tend to censor a lot of television. I just switched on the box to find Austin Powers II on. There is a ridiculous amount cut out: swearing, references and images of female anatomy (male seems to be fine), music and even the word “God” is bleeped out. Unfortunately all this censorship limits the movie to about a half of its viewing time and most of the scenes when run together don’t even make sense.