Saturday 30 March 2013


We got caught in our first sandstorm the other night. A wall of sand bellowed towards us, apart from the lack of a “mummified face” growling after us, it was pretty much just like the movies. We lost our vision and had to navigate by looking for the side of the road and surging on (a note to the kiddies: you are supposed to pull over to the side and wait it out, a note to the grown ups: you are such a pussy if you pull over – in fact I recommend you don’t drop less than 40). It was a little surreal to be driving around in this but was an experience I am glad to have experienced. Who would have thought that scene in the latest Mission Impossible where they are driving through Dubai during the sandstorm was the most realistic thing in the movie?

Friday 22 March 2013

Hello Saudi

The country looks like it was founded in a desert. Not the magnificent spectacle you expect to see a couple of droids making their way across but more like the barren wasteland beyond the Thunderdome. There seems to be nothing but camels and goats to break up my view of another dune. There seems to be an everlasting haze of sand in the air.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Meeting Benny Jr

On our Journey home we had to call into Sydney to meet the latest addition to the family. William Benjamin Gilkes. It goes without saying I am calling him Jr. He has a loud set of lungs on him and makes you work for a smile, but when you get one from him it lights up your day. If you are lucky enough to get a laugh as well he does the whole body shake that draws you into his excitement.


Friday 8 March 2013

The week of wedding cra…..errr…. finalising

We spent a week in Queensland to finalise the wedding stuff that The Girl had arranged. The venue, celebrant, photographer, flowers, hair, dresses and cake. Wait I should also throw in here that I got final approval of the cake. I don’t know why I feel like that is an important point but I think it should be. Anyway it was clear that she had the bulk to do and we would have to meet, see and taste everything on this brief trip back to the motherland. If you are planning on a wedding then I highly recommend you do it this way. Give yourselves a week to get it together. And then you can just forget about it. Unless of course you are getting married at the end of that week and then all I would have to say is "how does the shotgun feel in the back of the ribs?"

The venue was awesome. A very classy establishment to match my bride. The sample menu food there was delicious. Early on we had gotten over the fact that we didn't really care what everyone else wanted to eat - we would just get whatever we wanted. When you're paying by the head it is very easy to get into an 'us' versus 'them' mentality. Us being the ones who have to be impressed by the wedding and them, if who are not impressed should either fake it or keep their feelings to themselves. I don't think anyone will complain about the free meal they are receiving but really the whole point of the day is for everyone to watch the Girl and I enjoy ourselves. I'm happy for people to not come and buy me a beer down the track somewhere if it means I won't have to hear any complaints.

I kind of like the idea of running the wedding like a reality show - every half hour we get to cut four people. We can give some criteria I guess - worst dressed, most annoying, person having least fun, the vegetarians. Think of the possibilities. I have to now go and think of a way to sell this to the Girl...