But putting aside these uninteresting facets of the city, there is also a lot more to be admired. The glorious harbour has been redeveloped into an exceptional attraction, as well as the Boston Garden (home to the Celtics and Bruins) which borders its edge.
The biggest excitement for me was visiting the bar, formerly known as the Bull & Finch, which now is named Cheers. I have fond memories of growing up with the show and although the humour was frequently above my maturity level, I had certainly appreciated the comical timings and subtlety from the actors portraying the humour. Looking at the episodes now it certainly has aged well.
After being seated in the back room and glancing over the menu, the Norm burger caught my attention. This was one of those burgers that was too big to fit into your mouth and then topped off with the fries, onion rings etc. Soon as our gathering had seen this on the menu, they all questioned whether I would be stepping up to the challenge. Not wanting to disappoint my fans I gracefully accepted. It's safe to say I gave the burger a good run for its money but the second it was placed in front of me it had me beat.