The girl and I drove up to the Lakes District for a weekend away. I had borrowed the cuz's Audio A3 Turbo which despite being a diesel - has some zip. The funny thing about London is there are numerous locations for speed camera's (not necessarily an actual camera at the spot). When you get out of the city and onto the motorway it appears that you can choose to go whatever speed you want. The reason I say this is because there is a distinct lack of camera's and actual speed limit signs. Supposedly you are to know the motorway speed limits before you travel but we thought it rather odd they wouldn't have a sign along the whole route.
The thing with being an Australian is we are used to dealing with kms. Unfortunately the brits have not taken on the metric system fully (perhaps a reluctance to go for anything invented by the French) so distance and speed is measured in miles. The distance doesn't really seem to throw you however the speed aspect does. The difference between a couple of kms and a couple of miles is significant and it is quite easy to rack up some excessive speed when overtaking.
Without a doubt BMW owners are hoons. I did a fair share of passing on the journey however if there was one constant - I was frequently being passed by BMW's and can't recall ever passing one myself. There was the odd Lancia, Merc or fellow Audi driver that cruised past but not in the quantity of the beemers. In fact I use the term "passing" lightly because they quite literally flew past. The sleek sedans, top off convertibles and even the poxy 4-wheel drives head their feet made from metal!
(Interestingly H+ has a BMW and I can imagine her passing quite a few people on the Motorway).