The girl and I went to see the Wallabies game in France, and while the match was a little poor the weekend in itself was good if not a little too rushed. After a heavy night on the booze after the game, we arose at an hour that can only be described as way too early to head for our Eurostar back to London. Luckily enough I was still rather intoxicated so the effort was made a little easier.
We left our mate’s house that we were staying at and hit the Metro. We figured it good fortune that it arrived straight away and promptly boarded. We were greeted by a fairly off putting smell before our eyes caught the offender towards the front of the carriage. A resting bum still curled up in his sleeping bag. Over the next few stops more people got on which cause the bum to rise from his slumber and commence to light up a cigarette. I mentioned to the girl where was he going to brush his teeth and go to the loo. The question was answered at the next station when he jumped out the doors and began to relieve himself. The girl was shocked, I was amused, but even more so when the doors started to close and with a last minute lunge he threw his hand into the door. We stood there for a few moments before a young lad went over to help him pry open the doors so he could get on. Once back in the carriage, he re-lit his cigarette before putting his old fella away.
Unfortunately this is where the tale ends as Gare du Nord was the next station. From this I concluded that Bums on any form of public transport = hilarity.