Wednesday 23 April 2014


I found this on my phone - it's from last month. I don't actually remember taking it but the time stamp says 1:50am, March 7th. The Knicks won earlier in the evening and I probably headed uptown to celebrate. I guess that explains it?

At the time (I'm presuming), it probably amused me that this man was taking an early subway ride with (possibly) his most prized possession. Kudos to him that it is the original Kirk, that he had it proudly on display instead of covered, and that he possibly endured my laughing and taunting - which I apologise most sincerely for now, and although it means nothing to you (especially as you will never see this), I will endeavor to be more accepting of others carrying vintage Star Trek posters on the subway.

Friday 4 April 2014

The Chair of Genitalia

Yesterday I went to MoMA to culture myself up with modern society, before heading back in time to 1435. I absolutely loved the old school video game exhibition that was on display. While making my way around another floor, I came across this quite unusual chair. Perhaps my immaturity overwhelmed the sensible part of me, but I couldn't help but think this was made up of very phallic looking things. Perhaps this was one artists take on what the Iron Throne should look like, if it were inevitably made into an "adult film."

Wednesday 2 April 2014

San Francisco

Just thought I would summarize the Girl and my awesome trip to San Fran. We did a lot of the tourist things but also encountered some rather delicious food and wine.

The first day was spent with a trip out to 'the Rock' - otherwise known as Alcatraz. My knowledge of the place did not extend beyond seeing the various movies that use this for the back drop. In fact, the movie "The Rock" with Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage, was played on a loop at a retail store I used to work in and I'm pretty confident in saying I can recite the movie verbatim. Other than being flooded with like minded tourists, the experience itself is quite good. There were a lot less cells than I expected, contrasted by the multi levels which really gave it the feel of the prisoners being crammed into the facility. Once you step out side there are some fantastic views of the city, and both the Bay and Golden gate bridges. Before we left, the Girl managed to snap a shot of me in the cell, not before reciting one of my favourite quotes: "How in Zeus's butthole, did you get out of your cell?"

Our breakfasts usually involved lining up for period (a half to a full hour) to be seated but they were definitely worth it. For our dinners we tried only the restaurants that infused locally sourced foods. The tasting menus were quite a treat but interestingly the wine pairings were mostly from outside the Napa region. Never the less, I recommend any of the following places: Honey Honey Cafe & Crepery (breakfast), farm:table (breakfast), Great Eastern Restaurant (Dim Sum), Aziza (dinner), Coi (dinner).

San Francisco is a great city. If you have the means I highly recommend a visit. 

Tuesday 1 April 2014

On the road with the Knicks

We had some great seats for the Knicks visit to the Golden State Warriors. So much so, those who were watching it on television would have seen us sitting two rows behind the bench. That is if your gaze got past the woman in front of us dressed in a ridiculous yellow outfit that can only be described as a banana.

Heading into the lounge we also were able to use the same tunnel as the players. A freedom not usually afforded to us, the Girl even tried her luck following them into the locker rooms.

Fortunately for us the Knicks pulled off an emphatic win, much to the dismay of a very vocal home crowd. It was a fine ending to our trip and made up for the spanking the Warriors had bestowed upon the Knicks in the Garden a month earlier.

Sunday 30 March 2014

The Cable Car Ride

Riding one of the USA's only moving National Historic Landmarks, seemed like a potentially perilous experience. Queueing at the start of the line, I noticed that the majority of punters were jostling for a seat on the outside. The small few that were standing up, clinging to the rails, definitely intrigued my interest. The Girl of course knew I would want to take this position.

Once we boarded I got the pole position standing at the front of the car and was told a couple of times not to lean out from the car. Passing the first oncoming Cable Car I realised the background of this warning. In my estimation the two cars pass within a meter of each other, which is not a lot of room if both passengers are hanging from the side. The car itself doesn't build up much speed and the straight tracks only require minimum restraint, but the exposure to the outside of the car is a surreal experience. Every cross street or passing car I was mindful and ready to pounce off at the slightest warning of danger. By the end of the journey I realised this was unwarranted. And despite accidents costing the city millions of dollars each year, not being strapped within the transportation kind of felt like I had better control of my own safety.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Bacon reminder

Understanding and sympathizing with my plight, one of the nieces decided to send me some encouragement. My thanks to the Girl for enlightening the Twins to this unfortunate situation. 

Saturday 22 February 2014

When you know it's time to go home...

So the other day I had an unfortunate dream:

It began like any other dream, I was instantly transported to some magical place that appeared to happen like I had been there for a while. The magical setting was a restaurant, the location unknown (alright this was no magical location). For some reason it was our honeymoon but the Girl was no where in sight. This didn't seem anymore unusual than the random people talking to me. In fact the whole restaurant took great joy in asking me questions about various things. I answered and told magnificent stories with much glee. After a while I realised I didn't have any food in front of me. This led me to look over to a waiter walking past with a massive plate filled with a very greasy breakfast. I rudely stopped talking to everyone, called a different waiter over to order my breakfast. Let's just say for the happiness of my marriage, I also ordered for the Girl who was probably on her way down, although one can never fully recall the particulars of ones dream after they have resumed consciousness.

But I digress, the waiter possibly having taken or not taken my order began to talk to me as well, asking all sorts of questions about my life in general. I'm pretty sure my captivated audience was enthralled by the rendition of my brides description that I was laying out in vivid detail. Again I saw more plates coming out from the kitchen with all of them diverted from my direction. At this point I got up out of my chair trying to see if there was a buffet. The crowd surrounded me and wanted more details of whatever had been churning out of my mouth. I insisted they leave, asked the waiter to check on my food, and sat back down with a rumbling stomach. The crowd dispersed before the waiter went back through the saloon style doors. A few moments later he popped his head out followed with a thumbs up. My mouth salivating, the doors flung open and the chef was wheeling a cart out.

At this exact moment my eyes blinked open. I was awake. In a cruel twist there was no alarm ringing in my ears. There was no bacon. 7 weeks without the breakfast pleasure was almost too much. I cannot explain the utter disappointment of waking up in Saudi with a hankering for bacon! I've never had such utter withdrawals from bacon before and it may just be due to the fact it is unattainable. But there is no bacon. No bacon at all.

Saturday 18 January 2014

What kind of restaurant?

So I'm in the middle of the Saudi Desert and Glass was able to find me an average 'restaurant' about 200km away. The picture from this 3.6 starred establishment, (which usually shows a nice kebab, bowl of goat curry or dates), seems to be a tower of air-conditioners. Maybe I won't make the trek to check out this place...

Monday 13 January 2014

Glass has a practical use?

Surprisingly I have found a practical use for the Glass. I had to take a couple of measurements on one of my vessels and instead of awkwardly dropping the tape and writing them down I just set up and gave a wink. Voila my Glass captured the length. Now if I can convince my boss to pay for the cost of this new tool...

Sunday 5 January 2014

Who you gonna call?

The Girl took me for an awesome brunch downtown (always thinking of me, this place does delicious bacon which I will crave once I am back in the Kingdom). It just happened to be around the corner from one of NYC's most iconic movie buildings at Hook and Ladder #8: